Taiwan Center for Mandarin Learning - Chinese Language School of Baltimore 臺灣華語文學習中心 - 巴城中文學校
Home US East Taiwan Center for Mandarin Learning - Chinese Language School of Baltimore
School exterior<br>巴城中文學校外觀
School exterior


Introduction 簡介

Starting from September 11, 2021, class will be held at 211 Schilling Circle, Hunt Valley, MD 21031 2-5 pm every Saturday. Mandarin will be taught by integrating Taiwanese culture, customs and tradition, local food, and historical sites in the curriculum to engage and increase student interest in learning Mandarin. Another goal is to attract students to visit Taiwan for sightseeing and study tours. The ultimate goal is to allow students to communicate freely in any Mandarin speaking country in the world. Dr. Eugenia Henry, the chairwoman of the Board of Director of the Chinese Language School of Baltimore and the Taiwan Center for Mandarin Learning, said that in the past ten years more than 70% of the school’s students have been from mainstream society.

巴城中文學校臺灣華語文學習中心自2021年9月11日起,每週六下午2:00至5:00於211 Schilling Circle, Hunt Valley, MD 21031開課,教授華語文,融合臺灣文化、風俗民情、當地食物及名勝古蹟於課程內容,增加學員對臺灣及華語文的興趣,吸引學員至臺灣參訪觀光遊學,進而學員可於世界任何說華語文的國家溝通自如。巴城中文學校董事長暨華語文學習中心負責人白越珠表示,巴城中文學校近十年來,由於大環境不論是新創成人班還是青少年或學齡班兒童班,百分之七十以上皆是以主流學生為主。

classroom environment<br>教室環境
classroom environment


Courses 課程特色

The focus will be on conversation (speaking & listening). Reading and writing will be secondary. We will use the textbooks provided by OCAC. We will encourage and guide the study of traditional Mandarin and Taiwanese culture by our second generation, as well as individuals of all ages, backgrounds, and ethnicities, to equip students with the communication skills necessary in today’s global society.


Students take the floor one after another. <br>課堂間同學踴躍發問
Students take the floor one after another.


Location 交通資訊

Address 地址:211 Schilling Circle, Hunt Valley, MD 21031

Contact Us 報名方式

● E-mail:Eugenia.henry@gmail.com

● 聯繫人:白越珠

Website 網站