Clever Matchmaker Yeh 葉巧婆作媒
Home Taiwan Fables Clever Matchmaker Yeh
Clever Matchmaker Yeh
There was once a clever matchmaker. She could find a suitable partner for anyone, even if they had flaws. Everyone called her Ms. Perfect Match Yeh.

One day, a wealthy young man with legs of unequal length came to ask the matchmaker for her help. Ms. Yehthought to herself, “Yesterday, a one-eyed girl from the neighboring village asked me to find her a husband. They would be perfect for each other!” However, she spoke nothing of their flaws. She told the young man with the unequal legs, “As the saying goes, ‘Marriages are made in heaven! One can never escape one's destiny’ What a coincidence! A beautiful and virtuous girl from the neighboring village asked me to find her a husband! You would be lucky to marry her.” The young man replied, “But if she sees my unequal legs, would she be willing to marry me? Ms. Yeh said, “Leave it to me, on the day of the matchmaking, put your shorter leg on the door threshold, And she won't notice.” Ms. Perfect Match Yeh also told the one-eyed girl to pretend to be shy, and hide half of her face behind the door.

On the day of the matchmaking, both the girl and the young man did as the matchmaker instructed. Upon seeing the girl, the young man thought to himself, “What a beautiful and virtuous girl!” The one-eyed girl also fell for the handsome young man. To prevent the two from blaming her after finding out about each other's flaws, Ms. Perfect Match Yehsaid in a serious tone, “Marriage is a solemn decision. Take a good look at each other. Let the three of us bear witness with our five eyes, that there would be no complaints in future about legs of unequal length!”

However, the couple were so smitten by each other, they didn't pay attention to what the matchmaker said.

The couple finally saw each other's flaws on the day of the wedding, and they felt cheated. But Ms. Perfect Match Yeh reminded them, “Didn't I say ‘Let the three of us bear witness with our five eyes, that there would be no complaints in future about legs of unequal length‘? I already told you about each other's flaws, it was you who didn't notice.” She told the couple, “Appearance is not the most important quality in a marriage. Your marriage will be blissful if you learn to love and respect each other.” The couple realized that they both had flaws, so, they held hands and went on to lead a happy life together.



