The Pheasant and the Giant 雉鳥與巨人-布農族傳說故事
Home Stories of Taiwan The Pheasant and the Giant
The Pheasant and the Giant
The Bunun call the pheasant bird “Mumu.” Its body is roughly the size of a palm, and it looks like a cute and fluffy chick. One day, a giant saw the pheasant strutting about on the ground, and he mocked the pheasant, “You are so tiny! You might get blown away by the wind! The other birds are soaring high up in the sky, only you are strutting about on the ground. You must be a weak and tiny bird that can't fly well!” The giant laughed loudly after he finished speaking. The pheasant puffed up his chest in indignance and said loudly, “Being tall and strong doesn't give you the right to make fun of others! I may be small but I am strong! If we have a competition, you might not beat me!”

After the giant listened to the pheasant, he thought for a while. Then, he pointed to a boulder ahead and said, “Let's have a competition to see who can lift that boulder.” The pheasant replied, “I accept your challenge! Be prepared to lose.” And so, the giant and the pheasant asked an elder to be their witness, and the competition began. The giant went first, but he could barely lift the boulder with two hands. He said with a sweaty forehead, “This boulder is too heavy! I can't move it.” He sat down on the ground to rest. It was the pheasant's turn to lift the boulder. The pheasant lifted the boulder with only one wing, while the other wing remained on his waist. As he lifted the boulder, the pheasant called, “Mu~ mu~ mu~”

In the end, the pheasant won the competition. The giant felt ashamed of himself and told the pheasant, “I am sorry for making fun of you. I will not make fun of others anymore.” Because the pheasant makes “Mu~ Mu~” sounds when it moves rocks around, the Bunun people named the pheasant “Mumu.”


巨人聽完雉鳥的話,想了一會兒,就指著前方一塊大石頭說:「那我們就來比賽搬石頭,看誰能把這塊石頭舉起來。」雉鳥說:「好啊!我要看你能神氣到什麼時候。」於是,巨人和雉鳥就開始進行比賽,還請了一位年長的老人當裁判。比賽時,巨人才剛用雙手將石頭搬離地面一下子,就滿頭大汗說:「好重啊!我搬不動了,這塊石頭實在是太重啦!」說完就累的坐在地上休息。接著換雉鳥搬石頭,雉鳥展開翅膀, 一邊插著腰一邊用力地將石頭舉高,嘴裡還發出「mu~mu~mu~」的聲音。
