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Our Beloved Treasures

Want to learn more about National Palace Museum's most remarkable cultural artifacts but don't know where to start? National Palace Museum has specially chosen 30+ short videos out of the hundreds available on our official YouTube channel for you. Through them, you can not only learn about the museum's popular national treasures, but also the history of how these cultural artifacts relocated to Taiwan and Taiwan's geography and peoples. This playlist includes introductory videos of the Jadeite Cabbage, Meat-Shaped Stone, "Up the River During Qingming" handscroll painting, and calligraphy masterpieces, among others. Most have English subtitles and a large number are animations.

They serve as a great introduction to the evolution of Chinese characters and the beauty of Chinese script types and can supplement the Overseas Community Affairs Council's Let's Learn Chinese textbook lesson on the National Palace Museum (Vol. 9 Textbook B Ch.10). We welcome students and teachers of Chinese language and culture or anyone interested in these topics to enjoy, use, and share these resources.

For more videos by NPM, please visit our official YouTube channel: Link

想了解故宮最精彩的文物,卻不知從何著手嗎? 故宮從官方Youtube頻道上的數百部影片中, 精選了30餘種具代表性、畫質清晰、精彩有趣的短片,帶著你認識各類的人氣國寶,了解故宮文物遷台的歷程與台灣的風土民情。

本片單包含翠玉白菜、肉形石、清明上河圖、以及歷代書法名品的介紹影片,多數備有英文字幕,可作為僑委會《學華語向前走》第9冊B本第10課〈故宮博物院 〉課程的補充教材,也適合用以介紹漢字演進與書體變化之美,歡迎全球僑胞與華語學校師生欣賞、運用、分享。


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